PC- Rick Martinez

PC- Chad Fenner

Veterans of both the heavy metal and Christian rock scenes, BLOODGOOD's unique blend of music and message has amassed both a fan base that appreciates their music, as well as a body that loves God. In today's sometimes frantic and highly charged world where musicians, celebrities and public figures have new mediums and broad reach with the ability to influence thousands, if not millions, it is interesting for us as a band to see how that influence is used, or in some cases abused. BLOODGOOD has always led with our own unique style of hard charging heavy metal rock as our way of connecting with our fans. But very quickly, the power and impact of the message comes through. BLOODGOOD has stayed true to not using their influence to spread their own agenda, but instead, God's agenda.
After I was saved the desire I had of becoming a rock star vanished. Just following Him, became my main goal. I began to plan my new life and how that would look without music. Well, God had another idea. I guess because I was willing to give it up He gave it back to me, this time with real purpose. “Tell the world about me through songs and your acting experience” was what I kept hearing in my heart. You see when my eyes were open to the Truth, I realized my son was totally into demonic metal. I truly wanted to be used in revealing to young people that Jesus had power over all the demons and salvation is at hand because of His sacrifice on the cross.
Michael Bloodgood and I had never met until I answered an ad in a local Seattle rock magazine seeking a white-metal singer, well rooted in the Word. That was me, I called, it was Michael. We met and confirmed that this was of God. The plan was to meet and pray every week before picking up our instruments. We asked for lyrics, melodies and arrangements to bring the good news. It seemed as if every door was open to get us to the people that needed to hear. Through the years many have come to know Christ as a result of BLOODGOOD, sharing the love that God has for everyone. Welcome to this place. I invite you to listen, enjoy and get to know us, but most of all, know Him
The music & mission of BLOODGOOD has been a vital stepping stone and driving force in the maturing process of Christian Metal since their 1986 self-titled debut release. Platinum-selling sophomore record "Detonation" strengthened the band's signature style of theatrics, power & emotion - staples that would solidify their place in rock music history. BLOODGOOD's music has been released all over the world, spanning 7 studio albums & several official live releases in their discography. In 2010, BLOODGOOD was inducted into the CHRISTIAN MUSIC HALL OF FAME for their influential contributions to the music industry thus far. "TRENCHES OF ROCK", an award-winning international feature documentary film about the story of BLOODGOOD, along with the movie soundtrack, released in 2019, are the latest projects.
Work had begun on a new album when Michael suffered a severe brain bleed in February. He is currently recuperating and has made miraculous progress. We are all hopeful that Michael will be fully restored and we will resume the new BLOODGOOD album project.
​​Now that Michael Bloodgood is home with Jesus, BLOODGOOD as a band has come to an end. No new music will be written. No BLOODGOOD live concerts will take place. However, there are a few new songs that Michael wrote and performed and some ‘legacy’ material that may be developed at a future date and released to you.
For Les, the ministry of BLOODGOOD and the personal call on his life remain unchanged, so he will continue to record new music. The message is the same and it is urgent. Life is short!
The team of Les Carlsen and Paul Jackson, that brought you BLOODGOOD classics such as “Crucify”, “Demon on the Run”, “Seven”, “Top of the Mountain”, “Pray” and “Lamb of God” to name a few, are continuing to write new music.
Les has also written several songs in collaboration with Oz Fox, David Zaffiro, and Craig Church. These songs continue in the Christian metal/ hard rock genre and ministry that has marked Les' legendary career for the last 3 decades.
"All of us who are moved by the life of Michael Bloodgood can truly say that the light of Jesus was bright in him. As his best friend and partner, I will do my best to honor him, but more importantly, to proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, a message Michael was so passionate about."
Les Carlsen